Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Friday, October 20, 2006

I Hate my Ex

Asshole is such an ... Asshole. I’m so sick of his shit. I borrowed $200 dollars from him last fall because I was dead broke. I also borrowed $600 from my sister. I paid her back right way though. I was living very thrifty, not buying clothes, CDs, alcohol nor take-out food. But student loans just don’t seem to cover living in res, tuition, next semester deposits, and basic food.

Anyway, I borrowed it after he broke up with me. He said when we broke up if I ever needed anything I could ask him. I thought eating was a big enough emergency. At first he was reluctant. Then he offered to “lend” me the money for sexual favors, which is retarded because he got those for free when we went out. I told him I rather starve because I’m not a prostitute. Well, d’uh, you break my heart into a million pieces and you still want intimacy, fuck you! Anyway, after I cried my eyes out and threatened to tell his sister of his offer, he lent me the money. I told him I’d pay him back as soon as possible. That was this fall. I contemplated not paying it back because he’s an idiot (for lending it to me?). But I don’t like owing people anything I’m not willing to owe. I mailed him a cheque and I thought that was almost the end of my interactions with him (he parent’s are graciously keeping some of my stuff in their basement which I want to get out very soon). Well, it wasn't.

This summer he moved in with a friend of mine. They were just roommates. It turns out things have changed in his life. I’ve heard both sides of the story and both of them are omitting details. Here are the facts.
• Asshole got fired from his job. He says it’s wrongful termination. Whatever.
• He hates his roommate’s boyfriend. He actually has a restraining order on him. I have no idea what that’s about. I have a theory though.
• He up and left the roommate one morning. He didn’t give notice and he’s not paying next months rent. He says its because she parties too much and the whole restraining order thing. But that’s illegal according to the Residential Tenancy Act.

I actually felt sorry for the guy. I think he’s pathetic. I also though he may need a friend, so I contacted him. As much as I disliked him, I didn’t want him to do anything drastic to himself. I’ve seen how depressed he can get.

What was I thinking? He started harassing me about the money. I was in shock. I sent him a cheque over a month ago and my bank records show that cheque went through. The insults were flying. I don’t think I’ve ever been so angry in my life. Needless to say, I now have had to contact my bank and get detailed records and file a potential fraud complaint since Asshole insists he hasn’t gotten it. I hope to God he is not lying to me or this guy is seriously fucked.

I just can’t wait to get rid of this guy in my life. I just want the drama to end. I’m moving on with my life and I want to leave him far behind. I usually don’t just purge people out of my life, but I am here. I can’t believe I actually loved this guy enough to want to spend the rest of my life with him. All I can say is that him breaking up with me was one of the best things to happen to me.

My wish for this posting is that I don’t want comments from my mom or sister. I know what you are going to say and I don’t need to hear it now. I also don’t want anyone I know to be rude to Asshole if they see him in town. He is not worth the effort. I’m also scared he may sabotage the stuff I have in his parent’s basement so I’m not doing anything but be cooperative. My biggest revenge when I get my stuff back is never talk to him again. He’s not worth the effort of being mad at him or getting anyone to do or say anything to/about him. He’s already taken so much of my time. He deserves no more.


  • At October 21, 2006 9:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Too bad about asshole, but I guesse thats what you get for being a total asshole?

  • At October 22, 2006 11:46 AM, Blogger Small Town Teacher said…

    Yes, It’s a fitting name. Just like Brilliant is for you.

  • At October 23, 2006 5:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    thats funny, "student loans dont cover rez, food, and tuition". what are they for then? Why is it that north america has such a shitty education system? Its free or almost free in many parts of europe. I'm thinking about bombing the pilars of the AQ.


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