Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

They have food!

I went to the general store today and they finally got cargo! It's been weeks! You can't image how thrilled I was to get rice milk, vanilla extract, apples, and tortillas. I even picked up some "novelty" items, like chicken burgers, tater tots, and halloween sized chocolate bars. I can't imagine how floored I will be the next time I set foot into a real supermarket. Safeway will look like an oasis to me!

In other news, I'm frustrated by a parent. First off, two kids in the school told me how this parent is a bitch. They just said it off hand too. Of course, I reemed them out for saying such a thing aloud. But i almost agree with them. The family just got back from a three week vacation. The student didn't do much of her homework so she's three weeks behind. I asked her to come by after school so I could start catching her up. The student told me she couldn't because she was grounded and had to go straight home.

I then asked the student if i could call her mom after school to ask the mom to see if her daughter could stay. But it turns out the mom works right across the hall from my classroom in the cultural centre. Sweet, I could ask her myself. And the mom said no!

I'm in shock. Your kid is almost three weeks behind in a class and she can't work with her teacher after school to get her caught up because she is grounded! Where are the priorities of this parent! Is her authority so important that the girls education is in jeopardy? This is strange to me. And it's not like this student is a tyrant. She's one of the nicest girls I've ever taught.


  • At October 12, 2006 2:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So are you going to be held responsible if this girl ends up failing your course? My eyes are rolling...
    Seriously, start documenting this stuff right away. That mom sounds like just the kind of bitch who will rag on you if her kid fails. The mind boggles at her nasty little ego trip...


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