Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Fucking Dogs

I've always wanted to comment how friendly the dogs are here. Very few dogs are tied up in their yard or put on leash. Every morning as I check my email, I watch the dogs on the field frolic about with each other. I've never met such friendly dogs. I pet them all when I see them out in the community.

So I'm lying in bed and I hear a big ruckus outside of crows squawking. And it's not stopping. So I haul my dodgeball and jello shooter ravaged body out of bed to check what is going on. I get outside to see that something, most likely one of the community dogs, has somehow knocked my garbage can over. An incredible feat. More so, the animal has gotten the lid off the garbage can and has torn through my trusty Force-Flex garbage bag. Garbage is strewn everywhere- Saran wrap off salmon (no salmon carcass anymore), egg shells, orange peels, Mini-wheats box, Kleenex, NyQuil wrappers, cotton balls, Q-tips, old receipts, carrot bags, tomato sauce jar, etc.. I'm totally pissed. So here I am picking up my garbage in the cold, in my pajamas with a very sore body. As I'm finishing up I came across this:

I realize I had just finished my period (way too much info I know). And I realize I haven't picked up one tampon or maxi-pad.

Then it dawns on me.

It's been two hours and I still can't manage to eat some breakfast.


  • At October 07, 2006 8:21 PM, Blogger Vancouver Island Mommy said…

    EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW! You actually managed to gross out a nurse (although I laughed my ass off too). On another subject, I guess they don't have recycling there huh?

  • At October 07, 2006 8:38 PM, Blogger Small Town Teacher said…

    No, I save some of the stuff though. The school had a big pop can/bottle drive and managed to get over 15 000.

  • At October 09, 2006 8:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I expect some major intestinal blockage for the dog who ate all that absorbant fibre.
    I used to babysit a dog names Orion who was inordinately fond of snacking at the kitty litter box...I've never felt the same about Almond Roca since then.


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