Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I finally sent a kid to the office today. I hate doing that. I want the kids to stay in class because I want them to learn. And they certainly can't learn what I'm trying to teach when they're in the office.

I sent the kid to the office because he keeps gleeking one everyone and everything. In case you forget what gleeking is, it's when someone flicks their tongue so that little droplets of spit land everywhere.

This kid has been doing this for two weeks now and I got fed up. Other kids in the class have now learned to do this to get this kid back for gleeking on them. I tried ignoring it. That didn't work. I tried the that's-really-gross-because-you-are- spiting-on-people. It didn't stop. I tried the that's-how-people-can-get-sick-from- germs strategy. I got sick. Coincidence? Maybe.

Finally, I got sick and tired of the gleeking wars. I reminded the kids that it was gross and I wouldn't tolerate it anymore.

The straw that did it was the umpteenth time a kid yelled, as she was wiping spit off her cheek "Ahh, Ms. Small Town, William gleeked on me."

"Ok, William. I've mentioned time and time again that gleeking is gross and spreads germs. We've discussed in class twice now how you don't like to be gleeked on and that if you don't like it, others probably don't like it either. I warned you several times now that I will not tolerate it. And now you are coming with me to the office."

William promised to stop. Too bad. I have to follow through with my threat. We went to the office and I found the principal there. I politely told her what was going on and if she would talk to William about gleeking.

William came back to class about 15 minutes later. He has did not gleek in that class. I have the honor of teaching two classes to William. He did not gleek in our second class together either.

After all is said, I still can't gleek on command. I've tried.


  • At September 21, 2008 9:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I have the issue of over-gleeking, especially when brushing my teeth\mouth. Or when I'm hungry and haven't eaten in over twelve hours or sometimes when I have a cold, too much salivation. Ges frustrating. But I rather spit [preferably outside] than swallow.


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