Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Family Spew

I usually watch Family Feud on my lunchbreak from school because noting compliments a sandwich like the Feud.

A couple of things have changed since the last time I was into it. One, what happened to Richard Karn?

I loved him as host. He would always say totally inappropriate things and make a lot of sexual innuendos. Hmm, maybe I've answered my own question.

Two, is it just me or are family's getting more stupid? People give really bad answers. And the ironic things is that the more moronic the answer is, the more one's family claps and shouts, "GOOD ANSWER, GOOD ANSWER." Example, someone answered " a goat" when the question was, "What does a man look like he swallowed when he has a big gut." I got mad at the TV for this question for another reason. My first answer to this question was a watermelon. The family didn't guess this ... neither did the other family for "the steal" Watermelon was the number one answer by the way. The family guessed "a ball" and the answer on the board was "A big ball". Ok. Two family members later, she asks, "Is a basketball considered a big ball?" D'UH! No, a basketball is small ball, you dumb shit.

This show makes me yell at the TV a lot. I yell at the TV, "BAD ANSWER, BAD ANSWER" all the time. I'm the bomb at this game. Maybe that's why I yell so much. I'm really good at fast money too. I could easily win the 20 grand for my family.

My dream Family Feud team would be my brother (because he's good at this shit), my mom (because she's generally smart), Brilliant (with a name like that, who could not want him on their team ... even though he's not family), and Hot Rugged Soccer Goalie (not only smart but is witty all while keeping a straight face ... but also not family).


  • At October 24, 2006 5:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    just think of the next genartion of Brilliants. Theyll all be tall and have huge eyes, and be able to read each other's minds. Ugh, i think I have mono.

  • At October 25, 2006 12:21 AM, Blogger Vancouver Island Mommy said…

    I'm crushed that I am not part of your dream team. On the plus side, I don't have to smack my head on national television when the idiot on the other team asks, "Um, is a basketball a big ball?" I can feel my brain cells implode...

  • At October 25, 2006 7:05 AM, Blogger Small Town Teacher said…

    If it makes you feel any better, v.i.n., I'd pick you over anyone to be on my Cranium team.

  • At October 25, 2006 9:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The only Family Feud I'd really be suited for was the original (circa 1970) hosted by a smarmy British drunk, Richard Dawson. Nobody else has matched his Creep Factor credentials.


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