Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Sunday, October 29, 2006


Ok, that's what they were called in my day. A brand name of them calls then Screech Owls. They're this stupid fire cracker.. but oh wait, fire crackers are illegal in this country, excuse me, fire work ... that is really loud and screams for like 10 seconds. Reeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwww!

I hate these fucking things! The person who invented them should be forced to listen to one go off ever 10 seconds for the rest of their existence in purgatory. Last night I was feeling crappy so I went to be early. I lied in bed for an hour because about ever 30 seconds someone would set one of these things off.

I don't know what the preoccupation these things are. My brother LOVED them when he was a kid (he still probably does). They make a really annoying noise. People also hit the end with a hammer and duct tape them to make them just BANG really loud. I walked through the school today on my way to the store, and these things were littering the ground ... along with burnt bottles all over the place.

I just don't get them. I get Roman candles - they make pretty lights. I get most fireworks because I have that caveman instinct sometime too. I'm drawn to shiny objects, especially ones related to fire. But my instinct tell me that when I hear something that makes the god awful noise of a screech-a-ro, I should run, far, far away from it.

But I guess this just proves again, that I am not a teenage boy.


  • At October 29, 2006 7:52 PM, Blogger Vancouver Island Mommy said…

    I feel your pain. Living right across the street from a high school, I hear those damn things every 30 seconds or so all evening some nights. And Hallowe'en isn't even here yet!


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