Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I hate teaching ...

I hate teaching health and career education. It sucks. I'm already counting down the weeks. I have exactly 20 weeks and 2 days of teaching that class left (the last 6 weeks of the year I am career and health education free) ... and some of those weeks are 4 day weeks, like next week.

Why do I hate teaching this class? Because I like teaching math. I knew I was a teaching snob because I wouldn't even apply for substituting jobs. But I'm definitely a math specialist. I just pray that I can get out of teaching this class next year.

I think the kids know deep down that I disliking teaching the class. I like the kids, don't get me wrong. And I try to be enthusiastic, but teaching them to be worksafe is only so stimulating.

But grade 8s are nuts! They are truly peanuts ... or perhaps cashews. I'm not too sure. They are always so passively hyper. How is that combination possible? I'm not sure. But it is. You should see it in action.

I actually almost dread the class. I love my math classes so much that this class is just a hump I need to get over everyday (right before lunch). Sometimes it is a huge hump. It's bigger that my step niece's pregnant stomach!

In other news, Dad finally shipped all my stuff up here today. Yes! I should get it next week. I'll finally get my vacuum and microwave back! And my exercise tapes!

My cable got cut today. I'll actually have to go to the Band Office and pay for it. Darn, no more free cable. I know I need the cable too. I'm going nuts that I can't watch TV. I'm super addicted.


  • At November 11, 2006 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I could not survive smalltown living without cable.

    I remember once you telling some prof that you had an active television life! If memory serves me right you were really into Survivor at that time.

    Toccata aka Marna


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