Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Trophy Wife

I've had a goal for the last 10 years. It was to become a high school math teacher. Well, I've finally completed it. I am what I set out to be. And it feel fantastic. I need a new goal now. I have two, that are related.

The first one is to pay off my student loan. I have a big one. I could easily afford a 2006 Audi A6, with money left over to go on a 10 day Caribean cruise with the money I owe in student loans. Ouch! I figured out that in three years, if I stay here, I would have paid off the lion's share of my loans. In fact, since I have four loans, at that time I would only have one left... hopefully. What a freeing experience that will be. I look forward to completing this goal. As I see it, this make me a commodity.

Now I know what you are thinking, why on earth would I call myself that? I am a smart, intelligent person who should never consider herself in such terms. But let's be honest, I do. I think this will add to my value as a life partner. Here's me tooting my own horn, but I will make some man very lucky when we get married. I am intelligent, cute, kind, and funny. Isn't that what every guy truly wants? But I will be financially stable too. I will be able to contribute significantly to the household income, while at the same time, not be a liability with my giant loan.

I mention this because even though I have great career, all I really want to be in a homemaker. That sounds nuts to some, but it's true. I know this is not a realistic goal in this day and age when double incomes are almost essential, so I do have my career as a back-up. But all I really want is to be a trophy wife. Ok, shocking, but let me explain.

First off, I am only going to marry some guy that loves me for me and I love him for him, not his money or prestige. But, I would love to marry a successful, rich man where I would be his loving, doting companion. Come on, who hasn't wanted to be a wife a husband can be proud of, a woman that all other women envy for her intelligence, cuteness, kindness, and wittiness? I want to be this. I know the image of the trophy wife is a blond bombshell with no brains with big hair in an 80s gown hanging off the arm of her multi-millionaire husband.

I'm going to re-define the trophy wife. She will be intelligent. She will be cute. She will be able to make it on her own if her husband leaves her (but he won't because she is his everything). She will be like a priceless commodity for her husband, because no money could buy her. Only his love could win over her over. At his office party, she will wow his boss with her ability to have a real, intellectual conversation. She will wow the boss' wife with her kidness and sense of humor. When she's doing her charity work, she will actually know the issues, not just hand the money over to something that looks good. She won't be the catty banter between other trophy wives because they will not be able to say anything mean about her except things that they envy. But when they complain about her, it just makes them look bad. Ok, that last sentence doesn't make sense because if trophy wives are re-defined, they wouldn't be catty about other trophy wives. The "old" trophy wife stereotype needs a new term because of my redefinition. Those wives will now be only refered to as gold diggers.

Ok, with all this said, I'll probably never be a trophy wife. I'll be a normal wife with a normal husband where both of us contribue to the household. And I'll be happy because I actually like being a high school math teacher. But a girl can dream, can't she?


  • At September 19, 2006 9:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm just blown away by the things I'm learning about you from your blog. I suppose it's not so odd that parents don't know what goes on in their kids' heads, but my assumption of omnipotence is takin' a hit. Humbling, yet refreshing.


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