Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Monday, October 02, 2006

Phone Phobia

As some of you may know, I have a phone phobia. I blame it on my mom because she has a bit of the phobia herself, but she's not as bad as me.

I love to talk on the phone, don't get me wrong. But I am absolutely terrified to call strangers on the phone. I have to talk myself into it every time. I've probably only ordered pizza on my own two or three times in my life. I usually get someone else to call for me.

As a teacher, I have to sometimes call parents. I think this is the most dreaded action to do as a teacher. Having the principal in to observe my class, no problem. Have a kid call me a fucking bitch and threaten to kick another student ... I rather deal with that than call a parent on the phone (but if that did happen, I'd probably have to call the parent anyway .... hmm, or maybe that would be so bad I'd convince the principal to call).

Anyway, I have this great kid in my grade 11 class. He's the only one in the class who didn't have to re-write the first quiz. But he keeps forgetting to do/hand in his project. It's almost a week late. I've tried everything – I've written post it notes to put on his binder, locker, textbook, and homework. No project. I've reminded himevery timee I see him in the hall, and that could be up to six times a day. No project. I gave him the option of calling his house to remind him. He's always declined. But he needs to hand that project in. So I did the ultimate threat: if I didn't get the project today then I would call his parents to remind him. I thought that would get him to do it and hand it in. No such luck.

As a teacher, if you threaten a student, you have to follow through. If you don't, you loose credibility, power, etc. So I called his mom tonight. All day I've been planning it out. I'd call around 7 and tell her how I've enjoyed having her son in my class but I need the project. I thought I 'd have to spend an hour talking myself into the call.

But I got distracted. Next thing I know it's 7:48. Shit, I have to call now so I don't seem rude. I had no time topsychc myself up. But I did it. And it didn't kill me ... this time. She was very nice and glad to hear her son is doing so well ... except for the project. Now he gets the wrath of mom. Bwa ha ha ha!

I sometimes I have topsychc myself up to call friends and acquaintances too. So if you don't here from me in a while or you're waiting for me to initiate a phone call, you may be waiting a while. And when I do call, I've usually thought about it for some time and talked myself into it. So it means I really want to talk to you :)


  • At October 06, 2006 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I've done a lot of pondering about my phone phobia. I don't remember even having it until after your dad and I split up. Make of that what you will psychologically...I'm out of theories.
    I have to give myself a little push to phone strangers these days, but it's not as bad as it used to be.


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