Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Friday, December 01, 2006

Today was parent teacher interviews...

And here is what the parents saw when they entered my room ...

Sometimes I still think it's weird that I'm a teacher. Like on my door for the interviews, it said my name. It's weird to see my name like that.

I met a few parents and they were all nice, thank god! But some of them I was tempted to give parenting advice to. Like, maybe you should ground your kid until they catch up on work ... or maybe you should make sure your kid's not on the internet until 3 am every night. But who the hell am I to give parenting advice. I'm no parent. Heck, I'm barely an adult. But it's funny how parents will give me teaching advice. Hmm....

P.S. Blogger has been a real be-otch lately. It took me three days to post this because of picture problems.



  • At December 03, 2006 5:22 PM, Blogger Toccata said…

    Love the lights! Wow, I don't ever remember having a class with Christmas lights. That's so cool. I think I'm going to have to tell my sister she had better get some lights up. In fact, I'm going to send her that picture.

  • At December 03, 2006 7:42 PM, Blogger Small Town Teacher said…

    One teacher at my practicum school put them in her classroom and I vowed I would do that too. This week I'll be putting up the garlands and decorations to have the gawdiest classroom in the high school.

  • At February 02, 2011 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Danielle Grant 23, of Las Vegas is a RAPIST, her DOB Feb 19, 1988 she and another man used a date rape drug on Victim at Sahara Palms Apartments 2900 El Camino ave. apt 170, Danielle L Grant sodomized the victim with a plunger. She is lite skinned 4'6 to 4'7 and she drives a Black Ford Focus, She works as an dental assistant during day. STOP this Rapist before she rapes your son or daughter. Memory just now coming back. Danielle L Grant MUST BE STOPED. She is a drug addict and dealer ( Lortab and Meth,Weed ) sometimes works as a Vegas Escort/Prostitute when she needs money. During summer She Prosititues at casino Pools to meet tourist customers.. If you have information on her criminal activities Please contact the Las Vegas Police Dept. [b][url=]HER DISCRIPTION[/url][/b]..New Info ON RAPIST. Current Address Cimarron Apts 8301 W Flamingo Blg Apt# #2043 . Police say with out the KIT after rape not much can be done. Unless her freinds come forward with INFO. She needs To Be STOPED; PS look at her discription. She May be a TRANSVESTITE or Transgendered.


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