Big City Girl, Small Town Teacher

All about my adventures teaching in a small community

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

The Trip of a Puke Time

I'm finally home!

The ferry was only 26 hours late. But I made it home. It was quite a trip.

Everything started off fine. Well...

I set my alarm for 4:45 am to get up for a shower, etc. I couldn't sleep though and was awake at 3:30. You have to be at the ferry terminal 90 to 120 minutes before the sailing. We got an update the night before saying the ferry would depart at 8:45 am so this was a good time.

Well, I checked the update that morning and the ferry was delayed another 2 hours. So I was up early. Ok. I'll watch some TV.

What was I going to find on TV at 5:00am on a Sunday? Church TV! Wow, was I surprised when I stopped on channel 7 to find HARD CORE PORN! Ahh! That was not what I needed to see. I'm thinking the band council should look into that because as much as I like to watch porn (roll eyes here), I'm sure parents don't want their early risers to watch it. The crazy thing was that when the porn ended, the next movie that was on was one aimed at kids! I ate my oatmeal giggling about what I saw.

Ms. So-and-so and I got to the ferry terminal the required 90 to 120 minutes before the sailing. We were the first ones there. That was OK because we just rocked out to some old tunes in her truck, screaming the lyrics and being excited that we were going home. The tunes included, Paradise City by Guns 'n Roses, The Happy Days theme song, and some Offspring.

We actually left the terminal 15 minutes before the scheduled time (always a bonus)(and don't worry, no one missed the ferry from the early departure because everyone gets reservations and everyone was accounted for). We went for breakfast first. I had gross eggs, sausage and a hashbrowns along with some naturalpath seasick medication.

The first hour and a half was fine. This is the usual amount of time I spend of ferries. This trip was to be 7 hours. Well, after the first hour and a half I started to feel a little queasy. So I took some more pills. They didn't work. Next time I'm getting heavy duty Gravol. For the next five hours, I barfed my brains out. I managed to puke in puke friendly places like, my hand (no spillage), the toilet, a trash can, overboard, and in provided barf bags.

I was exhausted. The last hour of the voyage was the worse. That is where we are in the most open water and the weather was starting to act up. An announcement came on that we were going to try to cross the channel but we may have to turn back and anchor to wait out the storm if it was too turbulant. I was ready to die. At this point I was only puking up bile and I couldn't stand to do that for how ever long we may have to dock.

Luckily, we made it across. I started to feel better when we were five minutes away from the dock. I felt fine enough to hug all my co-workers and wish them a Merry Christmas. I was actually surprised they hugged me, not being scared of my pukey self. But apparently, I didn't smell like it.

The drive from the ferry to home was another 7 hours. But I made it home at exactly 12:01 am on December 25th. Merry Christmas to me!


  • At December 29, 2006 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    that was a tough voyage. I am prone to sea sickness....those "natural" things don't work.."gravol" and if it makes you sleepy...bonus. The scopolamine patch works well too, but you have to put it on at least 12 hours before sailing, it lasts for 3 days. I used it when i went fishing this summer, worked fine and its not suppose to cause drowsiness like gravol ...but I get all the side effects from medication...i actually fell asleep standing my knees buckled under me...if i was actively doing something i was fine...but if i stopped...ZZZZZZZZZZZ...i think i'm doomed to be land based

  • At December 29, 2006 9:35 PM, Blogger Toccata said…

    Hey there, that was so much fun yesterday. Hope you have a great time with your friends in Vancouver. Look forward to seeing you again sometime in the new year.


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